Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Meet my sister: Installment #2

Camille Barry Cross
(Barry after my Dad's middle name)
Born:  January 12, 1991

Nicknames:  Mil-Mil, Millie, Fat-Rat #2

She is tough and caring.  She is a great listener and sometimes a loud talker.  She holds tight to her convictions and we all respect her deeply for it.  She loves taking pictures of everyone around her and the occasional self-portrait.  She is a lover but will wrestle anyone to prove she's stronger (She once squatted over 300 lbs...dang dang).  She is quite the girly-girl and she plays collegiate softball (BTW...they made it to the regionals of the NCAA tournament and were ranked top 25 all year..so they are the REAL deal.)

She is absolutely one of the most beautiful people I know.  
She's my sister, Camille.

Camille's Favorite Things:
Photography, Jewelry, Shark week, Crafts and Painting pottery, Wakeboarding, Mani-Pedi's Carrabas, Jumping pictures, Hair bows, Running, Discovery Channel
... Just to name a few.

Ok... So now that you've met my F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S sis, get in line to be her friend.  You won't regret it.
Love you, Mil!


  1. I love your sister installments. They make me want a sister.

  2. OK i want a re-do! Camille had a fancy slideshow. And you put only good pictures of her up...boo! We both know you could of found some good ones (and by good, i mean bad)! And why didnt you mention she talks to hear herself!
    And I hate her for being the most photogenic!Her is a pretty little girl!

  3. She is stunningly beautiful! I love the slide show and song! To think they just keep getting better.....can't wait to see mine! I hope for only good (I mean good ones) of me!

    I will agree with Cara you needed one of her cowboy hat and vest and red boots that she wore everyday of her two year old life!

  4. Great job, Courtney! Love it! Oh, and you didn't mention her love for sucking on wet dishrags :-)

  5. Ok people... I wasn't able to run home and find a bunch of old photos of Mil. I will try to get some more at some point for your sake Carebear.

    Mrs. Nora...did you see the wet rag in Mil's hand in one of the photos...yuck!


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