Saturday, October 6, 2012

Baby: Weeks 34-37

Wow I am quite behind.  And this post won't even catch me fully up, but here is a post nonetheless (side note:  what random english professor decided you could shove 3 words together without spaces to make 1 word...why not just keep it at 3 words.  No one was tweeting or texting with character limits back then??)

Week 34 or 35...Sadly I can't remember what week this photo was taken.
Finley weighed in at 6 lbs at Week 35 according to her ultrasound.  Babies gain about a half pound a week right now, so we probably won't have a little baby.  (However, ultrasound weighing is give or take 11-14 ounces or practically 1 lb.  so who really knows.)

Week 36.  Welcome to the 9th month of pregnancy.
"Wow" is right.  My belly has become very prominent.

Week 37

There isn't much about the 9th month of pregnancy that is more fun than the rest other than the fact that you daily get closer to meeting your bundle of joy.  AND at the end of week 37 I finished working!  It feels so good to be able to rest a little bit before our baby girl gets here and takes up all my "me time" for a while.

I will try to get up a week 38 picture before she arrives, but considering we are under 5 days until her big debut I make no promises.  The doctors are going to be weighing Finley again this week before her arrival so I guess we will see how accurate her ultrasound testing really is.

Happy almost birthday Finley!

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