Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 Resolutions I May or May Not Keep

A new year.  A fresh start.  A clean slate.  

It funny how on December 31 as we party it up we reflect on another year passed.  We have only a few hours left to lose the weight we said we pay off the debt that's been run that marathon we just never quite got ready for.  Does that sound familiar?  I totally agree.  So instead of working hard to meet those new years resolutions by july instead of waiting to the last minute, I take another approach.  I just make some nice detailed yet lax goals for the year.  Like a new soft pair of comfortable workout pants that are inspiring but make you feel so different than that tight pair of skinny jeans that are constantly squeezing you in all the wrong places and making you feel bad about yourself.   I enjoy my resolutions and I try to take them seriously but I really try not to stress about them.

Resolutions are inspiration for a better self.

Here are mine for 2012.

Resolutions for my marriage:  
A regular date night, once a week.
I heard recently from a friend about a neat idea for date planning.  
He plans a date he thinks she will like.  She plans a date she thinks he will like.  
He plans a date he knows he will like.  She plans a date she knows she will like.  
Not only does it inspire a little creativity, but it insures date nights don't always become dinner at your favorite Mexican restaurant and a browse around TJ Maxx Home Goods.  Or is that just the date night I always enjoy?

Eat dinner in the dining room with no T.V. at least twice a week.
You can save your criticism if its there for not eating there everyday.  I believe in achievable goals.  2 out of 5 is what is best for our resolution.  Make your own if you don't agree.

Attempt to speak my husband's love language more fluently.
Vague I know, but its just a general life style choice that I want to choose to do more consciously.

Resolutions for my body:
Decrease my caffeine intake to no more than 1 beverage a day.
I have had this goal every year for at least 3 years.  Varying medical professionals have suggested it multiple times and I last about 3 weeks before I start slipping back into the delicious and rejuvenating refreshment of my favorite caffeinated beverages.  As you can see.  This goal is loosely added to the list.

Exercise at least 2-3 times a week.
No, I don't currently do that.  Yes that is awful of me.  I don't think the 3 reps I do of every exercise as I demonstrate for patients at work count for exercise.

Resolutions for my spirit:
Continue a morning quiet time most days of the week.

Remember the blessings.
I recently started a monthly ritual of documenting answered prayers and the best moments of the month.
I think its refreshing to keep a running list of the good in life.  I keep mine in my day planner and its a nice list to be able to look back on later in the year.

Pray often and sincerely.
And not just when their is a crisis in my life or in the lives of those I love.

Well there's my list.  I'll try to keep you updated on how things go.  I am hopeful for the year to come.  

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