Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Chubby Cubbie!

My baby nephew is the cutest cub! (I have two big boy nephews as well...equally adorable as you've seen from thisthis, and this post) I spent all weekend with my handsome husband, sweet sister, brillant brother-in-law and Chubby Cubbie!  (No worries.  I won't call him that when he's old enough to understand.)  So I have some pictures and a video to make your day as bright as my weekend was.
Candace and Eric made a special Valentine's dinner for all of us.  Steak.  Shrimp.  Fabulous Salad. Dessert.  YUM!  It was so so great!
Sorry for our attire. We spent the weekend in our PJ's.
First Mommy + Daddy + Baby Valentine's Day!  Cubbie was excited!  Or maybe he's on a milk buzz.  Its hard to tell at his age.

Cubbie spent a lot of zzzz's this weekend.  Typical.  All curled up against his Aunt NeetNey!
I love it!

Cubbie at his 8 week appointment!  Look at that head control!  His Dr. was so impressed with his strength.  Candace told her his aunt is a PT.  I doubt I had anything to do with his super human strength, but I'll take the shout out from my sis!
 I like naked Cubbie.  It shows off his muscles!  He is getting crazy with those arms now too.  He wiggles them all around sometimes when his jungle music bouncy seat starts playing.  
And when I start singing things reminiscent of the FRIENDS episode where Rachel and Ross sing Baby Got Back to their daughter.  Oops.

Warning:  Video is a compilation of several clips.  If you like cute babies, proceed.  If you dislike bad camera work and people who talk to babies, then stop while you still sorta like me. 

More Cubbie!

Hope Auntie Bara and Auntie MilMil enjoy the Cubbie footage!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! He is serious the most perfect thing in the world. Im obsessed and I miss him so much! I love his fat rolls! Kiss my cubbie for me!


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